Welcome to Promenade's Producer Database. Here you can find producers working across disciplines throughout the country.
Aysegul Yuzel
Spectacle, Circus, Dance, Multidisciplinary Arts, Street Arts, Visual Arts
Ayşegül Yüzel is a Cork-based Turkish producer, visual arts curator, and art historian. She has been working in the arts for over ten years and has taken on a wide range of responsibilities with local, national and international projects. She holds a First Honours Degree in Arts Management and Creative Producing from UCC and is a PhD candidate. She is currently the Producer of Pitch’d Circus and Street Arts Festival by Circus Factory and the Project Assistant of Creative Places Tipperary Town. She has a strong passion for raising awareness of equality in diverse communities through creative programmes.
Current/ recent Projects
- Producer at Pitch’d Circus and Street Arts Festival
- Project Assistant at Creative Places Tipperary Town
- Festival & Flourish Coordinator at IndieCork Festival
Brenda Mc Comeskey
Creative Producer, Events Manager
Multidisciplinary Arts, Music, Theatre
Contact: /whats app 0863855040
Having started my career in the music industry managing and programming a venue in Drogheda, I have now developed my practice to become a self-employed Arts Producer. I have spent many years working very closely with musicians and also have a keen interest in spoken word. My formative years were spent at music festivals such as Body and Soul, Vantastival, and Electric Picnic where I worked as Artist Liaison, Stage Manager, and in Décor. I have spent time working with sound engineers and also studied the basics to round out my skill set.
In 2022, I completed a Professional Diploma in Risk & Safety Management for Crowds & Events and received a distinction. I embarked on a recent tour to gain theatre experience working in this sector of the Arts, working closely with both the Director and each Technician in the various venues. My passion will always lie with music, but developing my practice has so far been rewarding and insightful, and I love working in the Arts more than ever.
Current/ recent Projects
- Production Manager for a national tour with theatre company Quintessence - The Curious Case of Albert Cashier. This was a nationwide 17-venue tour over 3 months.
- Producer of both last year's and this coming year's Drogheda Arts Festival. This has involved programming, curation, and production for this 3-day festival.
- Working in conjunction with Droichead Arts Centre to deliver a pilot project for late-night entertainment supported by the Arts Council.